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Who Should come to the Saor-Ollscoil ?

The Saor-Ollscoil is open to students of all ages who have a love of learning and who wish to expand their knowledge in an academic environment.

What are we looking for?

Saor-Ollscoil is looking for a small number of mature students (over 20 years), from any walk of life, who have a wide range of interests in academic subjects. We are looking for students who would like to work in small groups and are prepared to contribute their own experiences and insights.


What does the Saor-Ollsocil Offer?

Saor-Ollscoil Na hÉireann offers a B.A. Degree in the Liberal Arts at BA, MA and PhD levels. The Degree is awarded by the board of Governors of the Saor-Ollscoil Na hÉireann. A student is awarded the degree when the necessary requirements have been completed by that student. All undergraduate theses at the Saor-Ollscoil are examined and corrected by external examiners and are awarded credits on their own merits.

How does the Credit System Work?

The B.A. Degree in the Liberal Arts is awarded upon the achievement by a student of a minimum of fifty credits. These credits are achieved through a combination of attendance, the submission of essays, and the completion of a major thesis.

There is no pressure to achieve credits quickly, and a student may aim to achieve these credits at their own pace over a number of years (a maximum of five credits per subject, studied during each academic, year is achievable). A maximum of two credits per essay is achievable while one credit is awarded for course attendance. Credits are only awarded for course attendance when an essay has been submitted for assessment to the course lecturer. Additional credits are awarded for attendance at seminars during term three and for attendance at the annual Summer School. A minimum of twenty five credits is required before a student can submit a proposal for a thesis. All undergraduate theses at the Saor-Ollscoil are examined and corrected by external examiners and are awarded credits on their own merits.

Are there any hidden costs?

NO. The registration fee entitles the student to attend whatever courses he or she wishes. Our summer school and field trips are not covered in the registration fee. Charges to our own students are kept to a minimum to cover cost of transport etc. All lecturers and staff at Saor-Ollscoil give their time and expertise free of charge. In order to help us we ask our students to pay their registration fee in full when registering. This fee just covers the running costs of Saor-Ollscoil and is our main source of income.

Registration at Saor-Ollscoil Na hÉireann.

If you find our approach to education attractive then we would encourage and welcome you to register with Saor-Ollscoil. We offers a B.A. Degree in the Liberal Arts for mature students who have an open approach to education.

Who does Saor-Ollscoil not suit?

The Saor-Ollscoil approach does not suit students who are looking for a short cut to obtaining a degree. Our approach does not suit everyone so you must decide for yourself. The vast majority of students who have registered with Saor-Ollscoil over the years have been very happy with their decision. For example, if you are interested in only one particular subject you would be better advised to apply to colleges that specialize in that particular subject.


Frequently asked questions